High Speed Rail Networks
Simulating high speed rail connectivity for communication and stability analysis.
Simulating high speed rail connectivity for communication and stability analysis.
What are high speed rail (HSR) networks?
High speed rail networks are large area urban or rural networks, where connectivity between a rail carriage and fixed infrastructure or other moving network elements is considered. The rail carriage may be moving through urban or rural areas, and may be moving at speeds of 200 to 300 km/hr, while speeds up to 500 km/hr or more may be possible in the future.
how are they simulated?
Simulating high speed rail networks must account for the dynamic nature of the environment as it changes through time. The changing environment affects the propagation of the signal through the environment, and so affects the signal that is received at each receiver from each transmitter. Simulation of high speed rail networks must consider added effects such as Doppler, cell handover, high speed beam steering, etc depending on the technology being considered.
why are they important?
Analysing high speed rail networks helps us to study and analyze connectivity performance and issues of HSR communication systems which are being deployed in more and more parts of the world, and are becoming more and more crucial for greater numbers of people. Connectivity for HSR passengers is a more and more crucial part of the quality of the service supplied by HSR service providers.
What can EMSlice do?
EMSlice can allow the modelling of wireless connectivity between radios on HSR carriages and fixed infrastructure or other mobile network components. The impact of other aspects of the environment can be considered, such as from surrounding ground, hills, buildings, other vehicles and infrastructure.
What else is possible?
- For heatmapping of networks in outdoor/ urban or rural areas click here
- For wireless network analysis other than heatmapping, such as propagation analysis and other communication scenarios click here