Dynamic Indoor Networks

Simulating dynamic indoor wireless environments for communication and other applications.

Simulating dynamic indoor wireless environments for communication and other applications.

What are dynamic indoor netowrks?

Dynamic indoor networks are generally indoor, where one or more parts of the network or environment are moving. This can be a phone or laptop being carried through a building, an autonomous robot transporting something through a hospital or factory, or a drone flying through a home or office.

It may also be when a radio transmitter and receiver are stationary but the environment is changing, such as moving objects and people, doors opening and closing, etc.

how are they simulated?

Simulating dynamic indoor networks must account for the detailed structure of the indoor environment and the different ways the environment changes through time. The changing environment affects the propagation of the wireless signal through the environment, and so affects the signal that is received at each receiver from each transmitter.

why are they important?

Analyzing dynamic indoor environments helps us to study and analyze communication between moving network components, the stability of wireless connections to environmental change, and how the wireless connectivity can be used for other purposes such as remote sensing, area intrusion detection, radar, etc.

What can EMSlice do?

EMSlice can allow the modelling of wireless propagation through a changing environment, where some combination of transmitters, receivers and objects are moving through the environment and the wireless network is simulated and characterized as that motion proceeds.

What else is possible?

  • For heatmapping of networks in outdoor/ urban or rural areas click here
  • For wireless network analysis other than heatmapping, such as propagation analysis and other communication scenarios click here
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